Entourage Effect & Terpenes… a quick guide

CBD Entourage Effect, CBD Terpenes Explained

TERPENES AND ENTOURAGE EFFECT How does CBD work? CBD is used widely all over the world these days, as an alternative treatment to a lot of diseases and illnesses while improving the quality of life. A lot of common and serious diseases are treated using CBD, for example, diabetes, nausea, Parkinson, epilepsy, depression, osteoporosis, spinal […]

CBD Cheat-sheet: Your Skin

Cannabis Cheat sheet Your Skin CBD Cannabis Oil UK

CBA or Cannabidiol is a stable and non-toxic compound that is derived from hemp. It is used instead of THC as a better and healthier alternative as the CBD oil has been used for ages for its many therapeutic effects. It was used to relieve patients of pain, their insomnia, and patients with anxiety, depression, […]

CBD Cheat-sheet: Glaucoma

Cannabis Cheat sheet Glaucoma CBD Cannabis Oil UK

CBD or Cannabidiol is a component of the cannabis plant that contains within itself many hidden therapeutic properties. This non-toxic version of the CBD does not let the user get euphoric or in simpler words, “high”. Research has found that CBD can be used to treat or reduce the effects of many diseases and their […]

CBD Cheat-sheet: PTSD

Cannabis Cheat sheet PTSD CBD Cannabis Oil UK

CBD AND POST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER Life can come wrapped with many unexpected turns and surprises that may leave a scar on us for as long as we live. Every person is built differently and so their ability to handle or deal with situations is different as well. Certain tragedies and traumatic events get embedded […]