Tel-Aviv Heat Make Debut in Super Cup Opener

As proud Global Founder Partners and sponsors of Tel-Aviv Heat, CiiTECH will be posting after every game.   Tel-Aviv Heat kicked off their Rugby Europe Super Cup tournament against Black Lion in what was a historic moment for both teams as they made their debut in the competition.   Israeli franchise Tel-Aviv Heat, led by […]

This year’s summer plans are stressing out Brits

brits stressed

Summer planning has taken a toll on a third of Brits, study conducted by CiiTECH finds.   With all the travel restrictions, booking a fun summer holiday has become a dread for 27% of Brits with 63% claiming the ‘excitement factor’ has gone. With 2 out of 5 brits losing sleep over the matter and […]

CBD manufacturers call sports bodies in the UK to study the role of CBD in sports

high impact sports cbd

People buy CBD products due to their perceived health benefits. Sportspeople are increasingly using CBD products for various reasons. Many individuals consider natural extracts to be good for general health. However, CBD manufacturers cannot make any health claims, and they cannot even provide much-needed information about the role of CBD in various health conditions. Therefore, […]

CiiTECH joins New Leaf Opportunities

CiiTECH firmly believes that there has never been a better time to invest in the cannabis sector in the UK than now. Thus, the company has joined the New Leaf Opportunities (NLO) campaign. CiiTECH founder and CEO will be sharing his views on this emerging investment opportunity in the upcoming online event organized by NLO. […]

Changes in Cannabis Legislation in Europe and Internationally

Despite the well-known fact that the cannabis plant contains numerous beneficial phytocompounds with no brain-altering or narcotic properties, CBD products still face various legal hurdles internationally. Till the early 20th century, cannabis was legal in Europe and most of the world. However, since then, most nations have introduced a blanket ban on various cannabis products, […]

Israel law does not consider CBD as a dangerous drug anymore

Israel has updated its Dangerous Drugs Ordinance 1973 to exclude CBD-based products from the list. To date, possessing CBD-products in Israel without a legal license and other permissions was equal to possessing opium or hashish.  It was a serious offence as per the Dangerous Drug ordinance of 1973. It meant that if caught in possession […]

CBD massage oil- a new product from Provacan

PROVACAN unveils an all new and upgraded CBD massage oil. Everyone has some understanding of the benefits of massage. It can help lower pain sensitivity, improve blood flow, help relax, enhance the quality of sleep. Massage is loved both for its perceived health benefits and psychological impact. Massage therapy is one of the oldest forms […]

CIITECH Sponsorise la Recherche sur la Thérapie du Cannabis pour le Traitement du Foie Gras Induit par l’Obésité à l’Université Hébraïque de Jérusalem

CIITECH Sponsorise la Recherche sur la Thérapie du Cannabis pour le Traitement du Foie Gras Induit par l'Obésité à l'Université Hébraïque de Jérusalem

Londres, Royaume-Uni et Tel Aviv, Israël, 2 janvier 2018 – CIITECH, start-up biotech cannabis britannique-israélienne, a annoncé aujourd’hui qu’elle a choisi de sponsoriser un projet de recherche avec le Centre Multidisciplinaire sur les Cannabinoïdes de l’Université Hébraïque de Jérusalem. Centralisé sur le bénéfice thérapeutique des phytocannabinoïdes pour le traitement de la stéatose hépatique non alcoolique […]

CIITECH спонсирует исследования по терапии каннабиса при ожирении, вызванного болезнью печени, в Еврейском университете в Иерусалиме

CIITECH спонсирует исследования по терапии каннабиса при ожирении, вызванного болезнью печени, в Еврейском университете в Иерусалиме

Лондон, Великобритания и Тель-Авив, Израиль, x Январь 2018 года. CIITECH, британский и израильский стартап каннабисских биотехнологий, объявил сегодня, что он решил спонсировать исследовательский проект, ориентированный на терапевтическое преимущество фитоканнабиноидов для оказания помощи в лечении неалкогольной жировой болезни печени (NAFLD), общее и потенциально серьезное состояние, часто связанное с ожирением, и есть основной причиной заболеваемости и смертности. […]

CIITECH sponsert Forschung über Cannabis-Therapie für Fettleibigkeit – induzierte Fettleberkrankheit an der Hebräischen Universität von Jerusalem

CIITECH sponsert Forschung über Cannabis-Therapie für Fettleibigkeit - induzierte Fettleberkrankheit an der Hebräischen Universität von Jerusalem

London, das Vereinigte Königreich und Tel Aviv, Israel,  Januar 2018 – CIITECH, ein vereinigte Königreich-israelischen Canabisbiotechniksunternehmen hat Heute bekannt gegeben, dass es sich entschieden hat, ein Forschungsprojekt über den therapeutischen Nutzen von Phytocannabinoiden unterstützt, bei der Behandlung gegen alkoholfreie Fettleberskrankheit, ein gewöhnliche und potenzielle ernste Zustand, der oft mit Fettleibigkeit in Verbindung bringen, und eine […]

CIITECH sponsorizza la ricerca sulla terapia della cannabis per la malattia del fegato grasso indotta dall’obesità presso l’Università Hewbrew di Gerusalemme.

CIITECH sponsorizza la ricerca sulla terapia della cannabis per la malattia del fegato grasso indotta dall'obesità presso l'Università Hewbrew di Gerusalemme.

Londra, UK e Tel Aviv, Istraele, 2 Gennaio 2018-CIITECH, una “UK-Israel” iniziativa dedicata alle biotecnologie basate sulla cannabis. Annunciato oggi che è stata scelta per sponsorizzare un progetto di ricerca con la “ Multidisciplinary Center on Cannabinoid Research of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem” concentrata sui benefici terapeutici dei fitocannabinoidi mirati ad assistere i NAFLD, […]