Ways to support cannabis awareness

Cannabis popularity among the population is on the rise. Many people use it regularly. New studies regarding the use of cannabis in various health conditions are shedding new light on its use. Science is helping people understand the benefits and risks associated with cannabis use. Learning more about cannabis, knowing more about its safe use […]

What are Synthetic cannabinoids?

Synthetic cannabinoids are human-made chemicals functionally similar to delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) that is the active component of cannabis. Synthetic cannabinoids do not originate from the plants, and they are full agonists of cannabinoid receptors with biologically active metabolites1. These cannabinoids represent a relatively new group of designer drugs that are considered as popular alternatives to marijuana. […]

New rules for CBD in the UK

In the past few years, more and more people use CBD products. While the public focuses on the therapeutic uses of CBD, few users know all the details about the rules for CBD. Are all CBD products legal? Cannabis oil itself is still illegal to possess, buy and sell in the UK. However, the law […]

Clinical trials on CBD

CBD is traditionally known to possess many health benefits. However, at present, it is regarded as a supplement and not a remedy for medical conditions. Fortunately, in recent years, it has become the subject of numerous clinical trials, and we may see CBD based products getting approved as medication. However, it is worth noticing that […]

What CBD oil tastes like

Newcomers to CBD oil products often wonder how does it taste. Mostly their fears are caused by complaints that CBD oil has unpleasant, almost intolerable, earthy taste. Few people couldn’t bear it and had to refuse from the supplement. Does CBD taste so bad, and why? CBD oil is made from ingredients that come from […]

CBD paste and how to take it

What is CBD paste The paste is a thick and soft sticky substance that, besides CBD, contains oils, waxes, or butter. CBD paste is a multipurpose formulation that is usually high in CBD concentration. CBD paste is usually sold in a syringe as, due to its consistency, the paste is difficult to use with a […]

Terpenes in CBD oil products

Terpenes are aromatic compounds produced by a variety of plants and by some insects. They often have a strong odor and are responsible for color1. They are necessary to perform diverse functions like attracting insects for pollination, protecting plants from infections, fungi, and so on. Terpenes also influence various receptors in the human body. There […]

New Rules for CBD in the USA

These days CBD, the popular hemp plant derivative, is marketed as an effective cure for many health conditions. After it was approved by federal regulators to treat some diseases, its popularity is quickly growing among people of all ages. In April 2019, the collected data showed that there were 6.4 million CBD Google searches. In […]

What is Industrial hemp?

Industrial hemp means strain that comes from the plant species Cannabis Sativa and has been used worldwide to produce a wide range of industrial and consumer products like building material, textiles, paper products, personal care items, food, and health supplements. Hemp is a source of fiber and oil in more than 30 countries. In the […]

How seniors may benefit from CBD

In recent years we observe a massive shift in the healthcare industry. CBD is one of the trendiest natural remedies that people have turned to for relief. Many studies on the health benefits of CBD found that it may provide some relief for a number of health conditions, including multiple sclerosis, arthritis, epilepsy, anxiety, and […]

A Brief History of CBD

People usually think CBD is an innovative supplement. Actually, the history of CBD dates back much further. In modern times CBD has been used for more than six decades. But once upon a time, the first documented use of hemp-derived medicine refers to 2737 B.C when Chinese emperor Sheng Nung, known as the father of […]