What is delta-8 and delta-9 THCs?

Cannabis is quite a complex plant with numerous organic compounds. Although most consumers differentiate well between THC and CBD, they lack the understanding of other cannabinoids, sub-types of THC. Studies show that it may be too early to reject THC as something solely harmful.

In recent years, delta-8 THC has received increased attention and is often promoted as a superior kind of THC with some exceptional health benefits. Thus, it has become necessary for consumers to expand their knowledge and learn more about different sub-types of THCs, cannabinoids.

Before this article looks into the differences between various THC sub-types, it is essential to know that as per legal requirements content of THC (of all subtypes combined) in CBD products should not exceed 0.2%. Preferably, CBD products should be free from THC. This is because THC is addictive and responsible for the euphoric properties of cannabis. Although, it is also known that THC might have some unique influences on health; and not all such influences are harmful.

Therefore, researchers are continuously exploring the safer and legal ways of using THC. They are studying various sub-types of THC, and it seems that some of them might be less harmful or even have quite different properties and health benefits.

Delta-9 THC is commonly known as just THC. It has mind-altering properties. It may have a role in managing certain neurological conditions. However, its use is restricted due to its potential to cause more harm than good.

In recent years delta-8 THC has received increased attention. Researchers found out that it is metabolized in the body quite differently compared to delta-9 THC and has some unique properties.

It is also vital to understand that delta-8 is not a new discovery, and science has known about it since the middle of the last century. However, there is a renewed interest in the molecule and its various health benefits.

Earlier studies have indicated that delta-8 THC may be quite potent for suppressing the growth of tumour cells. It may play a role in preventing certain types of cancers and thus prolong human life.

Similarly, another study found that delta-8 THC may be pretty good for preventing nausea and vomiting in young patients treated for various oncological conditions.

Delta-8 THC also appears to have different potency, impact on appetite and seems to cause less anxiousness. It seems that delta-8 has a better safety profile when compared to delta-9 THC.

These older and new findings definitely warrant further research into the subject. It may indicate that in the future, THC may find some uses in health, or some of its sub-types or even modified THC molecules might be legalized in coming years.

Despite all the increased interest in delta-8 THC, it is still too early to make any conclusions. It is still an experimental molecule that is not proven to be safe for managing various health conditions. Nevertheless, it is worth knowing about it to understand that things may change in the future, and research may help find some safer and beneficial sub-types of THCs.

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