CBD edibles, are they any good?

When CBD is added to food items, they are called CBD edibles. Every form of CBD has its pros and cons. CBD edibles are available in many attractive forms like chocolates, gummies, lollipops, butter, and much more.

The concept of edible cannabis is not new, and such products have been available since time unknown in parts of India and central Asia. Nevertheless, CBD-edibles are a new thing in Europe. Additionally, it would be unwise to compare CBD edibles available in Europe with traditional cannabis edibles in Asia.

The most significant difference between the modern CBD edibles available legally in Europe is that they primarily contain cannabinoids and are almost free from THC. Eliminating THC from edibles has many benefits. THC is the main compound in cannabis responsible for its addictive properties, providing the euphoria.

It means that CBD edibles, commonly available in Europe, have only traces of THC. These edibles are high in CBD and thus does not cause high.

It is vital to understand that CBD does not cause high, and THC does.

Legally, CBD products or edibles should not contain more than 0.2% of THC. It is made possible by growing particular varieties (pre-approved by regulatory agencies) of cannabis naturally low in THC and high in CBD. These varieties differ a lot from varieties of marijuana grown for recreation.

Edibles have some unique benefits

There is a reason why some people prefer edibles. They have many advantages over other CBD preparations:

  • Edibles are much more palatable, enjoyable to use, and they are convenient, too. They can be consumed immediately, without any need for preparations, and do not require any equipment (like in vaping, and so on).
  • Edibles are generally relatively safe, especially when compared to smoking marijuana or vaping.
  • Generally, the effect of edibles is long-lasting, as they are slowly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract.
  • There are other benefits, like they do not leave any pungent smell.

Edibles may not be as good as other CBD products

Edibles cannot replace CBD products that are available for use in various health conditions, as they have several downsides:

  • Edibles are non-standardized products, which means that they may not have an adequate amount of CBD. Moreover, the amount of CBD in each edible preparation varies, making consistent dosing impossible.
  • Edibles may not be fit for prolonged use, as carrying other CBD preparations like CBD oil is relatively more straightforward.
  • Edibles have bioavailability issue. In edibles, a large amount of CBD may not get absorbed at all or might be destroyed by gastric juices.
  • Edibles are slow to act, especially when comparing with sub-lingual CBD products or vaping products.

Are edibles with THC better than THC-free edibles?

Since THC is present in edibles in some parts of Asia, it is logical to question its benefits. Moreover, recreational marijuana and even medical marijuana has THC.

Firstly, one should be clear that THC is a psychotropic agent that causes high. It is due to THC that marijuana is illegal in most parts of the world. In contrast, THC-free CBD products are legal in many countries.

THC is additive, causes numerous adverse effects, changes in the brain and other parts of the body, especially when abused.

However, THC, when used in microdoses, may have certain benefits like having a relaxing effect. Nevertheless, studies show that its ill effects are greater than any of its benefits, and thus its regular intake by humans is not justified.

To conclude, edibles available in Europe have THC in traces only. They are safe, do not cause high, and have numerous health effects. Edibles are better suited for casual intake of CBD, though they might not be ideal for managing health conditions.

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