Provacan, UK’s leading CBD brand which is powered by CiiTECH is the pioneer of a new terpene formulation (NTVRL™), taunted to work best when used alongside CBT. Provacan has patented this formula through CiiTECH partner Eybna and is the sole proprietor of this advanced formula in the UK that is meant to give a huge boost to CBD users.


The new NTVRL™ by Provacan consists of e-liquid and oil tinctures and can be used every day together with CBD to improve the well-being of the user. This product consists of 30 carefully selected terpenes that can be found in cannabis and other plants. Ebyna is CiiTECH’s partner and is the company responsible for the research of the NTVRL™ formula and its use together with CBD.


Terpenes are abundant in most plants, herbs, and fruits, and are commonly used and known for their use in making essential oils used for aromatherapy. These traits make it a calming and soothing remedy. The cannabis plant in particular has a high concentration of terpenes which when used with active cannabinoids such as CBD generate more benefits as opposed to using them alone. This positive effect is technically referred to as the entourage effect.


By 2025, the UK’s CBD market is estimated to surpass 3bn in terms of its worth according to CiiTECH’s CEO, Clifton Flack. He said, “We must stay ahead of new developments because the CBD category is growing fast. Our partnership with Ebyna, an Israeli-based terpene company, will allow us to leverage the best of breed science for our line of products, thereby providing our customers with a special opportunity to consume enhanced products for their health and wellness.”


For centuries, terpenes have been used in aromatherapy thereby providing numerous antioxidant benefits. The unique feature of the Provacan NTVRL™ is that it is specially formulated and boosted to be used together with CBD for enhanced benefits. Terpenes and some cannabinoids can be found naturally in rich hemp extracts of CBD oils. Lately, there has been a trend to purer forms of CBD that clan out these elements almost entirely from the oil. The profiles of the carefully selected terpenes to every CBD use have led to a depleted entourage effect while keeping the status of THC and controlled cannabinoids legal.


The CEO and Co-founder of Ebyna, Nadav Eyal, said, “Working with CiiTECH to bring NTVRL™ to the UK market is exciting. We trust that they will make the formula available in the UK for customers seeking better results.”


The NTVRL™ formula is tested and proven for Cytokine Storm inhibition by CannaSoul Analytics in Israel. The therapeutic effect of terpenes used together with CBD on the human body is becoming more evident. Ebyna used a validated biological in-vitro model to test their NTVRL™ formulation for efficacy. This model imitates the inflammatory response in the body of a human being. The combined effect of terpenes and CBD used together is shown to be twice as effective.


Eucalyptol, beta-caryophyllene, citral, and myrcene are the well-known terpenes used in the NTVRL™ formula. Research done in the past has shown the beneficial properties of the high antioxidant terpenes in dealing with inflammation and viruses.


For more information about Provacan NTVRL™, visit and find the full CBD range.


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